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Copy of Copy of 5 Day Workshop @ Esalen, Big Sur, CA. The Heart of Relationship: Love & Belonging: Harvesting the Power of Attachment & Intimacy. Dates Are Not Confirmed yet.

  • Esalen - Big Sur, CA 55000 California 1 Big Sur, CA (map)

Nourishing The Heart Of Relationship

Sometimes your heart slips into hiding, and you can disconnect from the empowerment and well-being that comes from living “heartfully.” What happened to this radiance and wholeness you were born with? The heart often holds memories of ruptures and emotional wounds that go back several generations. This interrupts our reaching-out movement, our capacity for true intimacy and heartful relationships. Uncover disruptions and entanglements so that all parts of the self and all members of your family can find their own strength, dignity, love, and purpose. Reclaim your lost living heart. Reconnect to a more authentic part of your soul and to your deepest heart's desires.

Love is the guiding principle used for finding a resolution. Profound healing of emotional problems, family conflicts, and physical illnesses often result. We give attention to interpersonal or systemic issues like entangled love, false autonomy, and spiritual issues in general. We will use a deeply educational and creative process that nurtures your heart, soul, and creative life force, called Relational Constellations. We will access a part of the soul that provides us with insight and can activate a profound inner transformation

Constellations are a reconciling and a peace-making activity for your life and your relationships. In the moment when the soul is touched and love can flow more freely, deeply satisfying relationships can occur in your life. We ask all participants to be scent-free.

Recommended reading: The Delight of Love and Belonging by Dyrian Benz and JoAnne Chartrand.